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Amelie Nicholson

Construction Research

In this task, I explored how I could use a given material in unexpected ways to communicate concepts and ideas. To do this, I experimented with bamboo barbeque skewers to see how many different ways I could use them. I played with their original rigid, sharp form and tried to make the skewers more delicate by bending and snapping them. I found that when I cut the skewers, the ends frayed and left thin strips of bamboo, which looked more fragile. I used the thinner parts of the skewers to bend and create arches that had much freer movement than the original form.

I then experimented with shape, especially how I could make round circles and spheres out of the straight skewers. Instead of bending the skewers into circles, I decided to use repetitions of the original form to create an overall round shape. I crossed over small piece of skewers and stuck them together using masking tape. I then used multiple of these cross shapes stuck together to make a circle. To develop this, I added smaller pieces in different directions to make a dome shape, that I could use over and over to create a large, round form.

To give meaning to these experiments, I researched the original material. I thought about the origins of the bamboo, which is one of the world's fastest growing plants. This means it is often considered for afforestation plans and climate change mitigation, and so has links to regeneration and environmentalism. I was also interested in how versatile bamboo is, as it is used in construction, textiles and kitchenware. The skewer itself is used to cook food on a barbeque, which is a social event that is significant in many cultures. Therefore I could explore how these social events effect our communities and relationships. Ultimately, I was most intrigued by the different structures everyone made from the same materials. Some people focused on building strong, practical structures, whilst others focused on creating a beautiful object. I would like to further explore what factors influence the way we work with objects and materials and how this reflect our own idea of what we think a structure should be.

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