From my research, I focused on the way humans try and tame their surroundings. For example, how I took the sharp skewers in my experiments and turned them into a dome shape. I applied this to nature, and the way humans think they are dominant and in control, even though nature can be very powerful. I sourced images of waves and mountains, which portray this sense of danger.
I sourced secondary images of mountains and waves and traced out the key shapes from each picture. I found that the mountain shapes were made of harsh angles and lines, whereas the waves had a sense of chaotic movement. I decided to focus on the waves because the shapes seem more dangerous and dynamic.

I then experimented with the shapes of the waves and use different thicknesses of line to create movement. I developed the shapes to make them more chaotic, using free-moving lines against a muted blue colour. I decided that my ideas could be best portrayed through body adornment, to show the way humans try and tame powerful, natural forces.
To develop my ideas, I researched the designers Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren, who push the boundaries of form and wearability. I looked at their 2010 Haute Couture collection, which features cut-up tulle dresses. The dresses have harsh lines and impractical cut-outs, which makes the models seem vulnerable to their own clothes. The garments take a life of their own against the rest of the plain outfit and seem powerful, yet impractical.
I then created some sketches of my ideas, focusing of the shapes of different types of waves. I looked and waves from the sea as well as shock waves, which fit with my idea of creating a sense of dangers. I first intended to use different sized sharp materials close together to create dome shapes and to present the model as a prisoner to her own outfit.

I looked at the work of Issey Miyake, who pleats her fabric to give it shape and movement when it is worn. This would be effective in my work because the spring-like movement of the garment would resemble a shock wave. I also research boning, which I could use to give shape to the sea wave garments without using such harsh materials.